Putin’s Progress
The only difference between dictator Putin now and previously is that he has graduated from a serial killer to a mass murderer. To make him into a hero and some kind of savior of humanity is obscene. If you admire Russia and Putin so much, go and live there. The first word you utter that questions Putin’s ultimate authority will land you in jail, or perhaps six feet under.
Oh yeah, he’s a freedom-loving guy.
It’s not that we admire Putin, it’s just we can stand uncle and his band of misfits.
I understand. I don’t like any of the present western leaders either. They are just as despicable as Mr. P.
Putin didn’t start this war.
Obama/Kerry/Nuland did by enlisting the Azov’s to engineer the 2014 Maidan coup.
Whatever Putin may have done in the distant past,
his clear purpose this year has been to wrest control of the eastern states and stop the relentless bombing that Kiev has been waging on those regions since 2015 after signing the Minsk agreement and then ignoring it.
If there’s anything despicable going on here, I can lay it at the feet of “NATO”.
Plus 1 and I would add…I would take Putin over Brandon and The Turd as my leader any day of the week
Look what they have done to their political enemies
Jan 6th and Truckers freedom movement
I wouldn’t take any of them as leaders because they are all shit-head authoritarians in a tyrannical age. Trudeau and Biden are rat poison and Putin is arsenic. We need leaders who are true democrats like Elon Musk, DeSantis, and Poilievre. I am not going to settle for a shit-head, murderous dictator like Putin who is allied with the dictators in China, Iran, North Korea, and Syria. They all imprison and kill dissenters. I don’t give a good fxck that Putin the tyrant is defending mother Russia. The same excuses were made for Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
Disagree Completely …he is NOT in that category
He has NOT been mass murdering his people and he is NOT going Global
Just protecting his borders
Putin has aspirations of reassembling the Soviet Union. He was humiliated when it fell apart. He has been backing two dictators in the Middle East for a long time, bolstering Assad in Syria, and supporting Khomeini in Iran. Russian troops have been stationed in Syria for years. The last time I looked Syria is not on the border of Russia. He is a chief member of the worldwide dictator’s club and would like nothing more than to gobble up a few of the ex-Soviets.
He has been murdering his own people. Ask the relatives of Putin’s opponents who have been poisoned or have disappeared in prisons. These are tactics that every dictator uses to maintain power. Putin is no exception.
Russian People support him massively
North has been watching too much fake news propaganda sources that utter the same nonsense from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CBS, NBC MSM . For once provide a reliable corroborated source for your rants other than the what the MSM pundits proclaim.
I guess you haven’t seen my posts for the last several years. Check them out. I was the first here to mention Dr. Zelenko in March 2020 and tell everyone to watch him with an open mind. I did not get that from watching MSM shit. You, predator, are the right-wing version of the left-wing you despise. Instead of investigating what is going on you mouth right-wing platitudes. Russian troops are in Syria and have been there for years. Putin is a dictator who supports fellow dictators. That is obvious to anyone and should be even to you. I am not a leftist, but I am not a blind follower of the right either. It is easy to fall into the trap of despising the left and then becoming equally banal and idiotic by repeating the cliches of the right. So predator, I’d advise you to wake up to the whole picture, not just the one provided by the latest right-wing cant.
Your lack of reality & vitriol is breathtaking in regard to your views regarding Putin and Russian as well as Syria’s history. I seem to have hit a nerve but TRUTH tends to do that.
You named yourself appropriately. And Putin is still a dictatorial prick. It takes a lot of desperation to try to mold the bastard into a hero for freedom.
Anyone with a true historical perspective has a deep understanding contrary to your remarks. This appears to be lacking in your case and resorting to name calling and foul language is nothing other than a indication of sub intelligence but what can one expect from a person that spends more time as a Putin hating troll at GT and parroting same on this as George Soros WEF remarks on the Putin/Russia western narrative and add the below to the list:
Ukraine narrative: FAKE
Russian Collusion narrative: FAKE
Iraq Narrative: FAKE
Syria Narrative: FAKE
Libya Narrative: FAKE
Covid narrative: FAKE
Election Narrative: FAKE
And most importantly add this to the list:
North’s Putin Narrativie: FAKE
Since you are not merely a troll but a full blown Predator, by your own admission, educate yourself by reading JimBob’s post at 1329 PM. Putin and his dictator pal Xi Jinping have some surprises in store for you. But you will enjoy life under your hero Putin and his dictator buddy in China.
North …you are out of line …this is nonsense
Bottom line NATO /US poked the bear for 8 years …supported a NAZI lead ( AZOV) take over of an elected government then continued the war against Russian Populations in East Ukraine…completely disregarding the Minsk Treaty
There is NO evidence that Putin wants anything more than to destroy the NAZIs ( done) and the Ukraine War Machine …in progress
Are you aware that Preditor has a Russian Wife who has seen life under the USSR and has lived under Putin
She and everyone he knows there support him .
You know nothing of life in Russia…you are out of your league here .
Have you been to Russia…do you have any first hand knowledge of the situation there ?
If No…you should back off because your “adversary” has !
And you think the latest JimBob post about the coordination between Russia and China to invade North America is nonsense. And you probably thought that my post about Zelenko in March 2020 was nonsense. I was so hesitant to post it that I had to ask you and people here to look at the video with an open mind. Just because you live in a country does not mean you have the story right. Millions of Germans loved Hitler. Millions of Canadians love Trudeau. Does that mean they have it right? Please use some common sense.