He Is Totally Full of Shit
It has never been clearer that Joe Biden and his Neocon administration, has long wanted this war, pushed for this war, turned away from any opportunity to prevent, shorten and or end this war. They are a complete failure in running the US in every aspect of policy, whether economic, health, financial, political, social or anything that might make US citizens better off. He correctly announced his intentions, when his slip of the tongue in Europe, clearly stated that “regime change” is what the Neocons want. Not because of his propaganda about war crimes but because the US is bankrupt both financially and in terms of innovative thinking in terms of leadership ever since they stole the Presidency and control of the government from the first innovative leader in decades, ie. President Donald Trump. Instead of fixing the problems here in the US. most of which he either created or exacerbated, he distracts the American people and those of the world with nonsense about use of false flags, war crimes, chemical weapons, possible use of nuclear weapons etc. This excuse for a leader is a child whose name calling and temper tantrums has worn thin. Stop sabatoging any attempt to resolve the dispute in Ukraine and focus on our domestic problems. You are an embarrasment, a complete failure as a leader, a parent and a human being. You are the one the world would be much better off, without.
Hear Hear CM
There is a big price to the “virtue signaling” by the majority against Russia.
I am sure many are not willing to bear that price, imposed on them, without them having any say in the matter.
Why do we all have to suffer with shortages and inflation, because some Neocon wants regime change.
“Why do we all have to suffer with shortages and inflation, because some Neocon wants regime change.” Valid question. Just as valid is, why did we all have to suffer with lockdowns, masks, restrictions and withholding of cheap effective treatments for the last two years? Because the totalitorian, authoritarians want to control our lives.
And I should add, they will if they have the FED implement and issue a CBDC to eventually replace the currency. Total control over evryone.(unless you have physical gold and silver to use on the probable black market)