Open Letter To President Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and The US Congress
Russia’s recent move to tie oil, gold and the Russian Ruble together to challenge the US Dollar as an alternative reserve currency should be taken seriously. If China, India and the Middle East oil producers join in tying oil to gold and the Ruble and Yuan, the dollar will begin to lose it’s role as the global reserve currency. To prevent that from happening, the US should announce that for the three months ending June 30th(same timeframe as Russia is buying gold) it will purchase Silver for $30 per ounce. After that three month period the US should go back to a dollar backed silver standard. As with the early days of the Republic, a US dollar should be backed by and considered as “sound as silver”. Given the tightness in availabilty of silver and the fact it’s price has been surpressed in global trading for decades, and the premiums from the spot price, $30 is a reasonable price to use over the three month adjustment and accumulation period. The actual conversion price to back the dollar with can be established after June 30th. You can act now and counter the Russian challenge, or you can do nothing and sit by as the US Dollar fades into oblivion. Your choice and your move.
CM for Sec Treasury !
Sir CM,
You are honest.
That’s why you will never be part of the Treasury or the Administration.
The war with Russia is just beginning.
Look at the “attack” by Ukraine across the border into Russia. Anyone in their right mind would not believe that even as an April Fool’s day joke.
US needs a scapegoat for the downfall of its currency.
God Bless you.