But Mainstream Media Pretends It Doesn’t Exist
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s record-smashing bestseller, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” demolishes the public images of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. But the corporate establishment has circled the wagons to censor it — by pretending it doesn’t exist.


This is Proof Positive that MOST people do NOT get their News from the “legacy” ( read going extinct) news outlets.

Record Smashing best seller with ZERO MSM Exposure.

Now MILLIONS of People KNOW the TRUTH …more and more by the day.

These Asslickers are less and less influencial or relevent by the day.

Joe Rogan 11 milLion regular viewers CNN half a million and most of those are in airports