From Jeff Childers . Here’s the Deal !

According to the Financial Times (UK), Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, one of our newest billionaires, said late Sunday that he thinks there will be a “return to normal life” sometime IN THE SPRING. Like maybe around the beginning of March or something like that? Right on time for the State of the Union! What a brilliant coincidence.

Bourla credited the vaccines and mass testing for ending the pandemic, of course, even if he was a smidge sketchy on the specifics or the details. Welcome to Narrative 2.0: the pandemic is now endemic thanks to the aggressive injection and testing policy of Josef Robinette Biden, Jr.

The big-pharma executive said that the key going forward will be therapeutics, and fortunately for everyone, Pfizer is all ready to sell some to the government. Open up your wallet! Last month, the FDA approved Paxlovid for early Covid treatment, and just like that, the U.S has already bought 10 million doses; UK snapped up 250,000; and Australia has pre-ordered half a million more. Business is good.

Just for interest, the Wikipedia entry for Paxlovid includes a helpful fact-checking section “debunking” claims that the drug is really just “Pfizermectin.” So please quit using that term. In July last year, Wikipedia’s co-founder Larry Sanger said nobody should trust the platform anymore. So.


? Bloomberg ran another Narrative-approved story yesterday, headlined “Fourth Pfizer Dose Is Insufficient to Ward Off Omicron, Israeli Trial Suggests.” The story explains that the researchers found that, while the 4x jab raises ANTIBODIES, it still doesn’t actually protect people from Covid. In other words, what the vaccines can’t do anymore is prevent transmission, or something like that.

But that’s not all. The article — in Bloomberg! — reminds readers that “last week, European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could weaken the immune system and may not be feasible.” Pretty scary. Good thing they reminded us and repeated that warning. It also quotes an Israeli researcher concluding that, meh, who needs these boosters? She said, “the results didn’t support a wider rollout to the whole population.”

So … we’re at the point now where government-controlled Corporate Media — and Bloomberg is right there with CNN — are starting to write scary stories about the JABS while publishing good-news stories about the virus. Do you have whiplash yet? I know a good chiropractor.

? A January 7th article in Bloomberg got this Narrative-approved headline: “Omicron Study in South Africa Points to End of Acute Pandemic Phase.” You think I’m being cynical? Why is the article located in Bloomberg’s “Politics” section, and not its Health news section?

The subhead reads “Study at large hospital shows significantly milder disease … End of the ‘epidemic phase of the Covid pandemic’ seen.”

The epidemic is almost over!

The reporter notes that the study “suggests omicron may be a harbinger of the end of the epidemic phase of the Covid pandemic, ushering in its endemic phase.” Phases.

The article also included LOTS of cheerful data points from a roundup of different South African sources:

— just 4.5% of patients with Covid-19 died during their hospital stay in the current wave compared with an average of 21% in earlier waves

— Hospital stays averaged 4 days compared with 8.8 in previous waves

— Admissions to intensive-care units dropped to 1% of patients from 4.3%

I bet you Sweden is pretty mad right now. South Africa gets all the credit, even though the Swedes have been doing it for a year. What can I tell you? Life isn’t fair.