Greetings Fellow Goldtenters, wondering if anyone would like to weigh in on an informal question. It will be unscientific and purely anecdotal of course, but here it is: wherever you have spent the last 48 hours, can we get an idea of the percentage of  the percentage of people there who have no critical thinking skills/love lockdowns/want to embrace fascism/are scared shitless over something irrational.

The way this will be quantified is: when you have been walking outdoors, roughly what percentage of the people that you have seen were wearing masks? I am not talking about those waiting for public transit or exiting a shop or restaurant. I’m talking about those fanatical idiots who are prolonging this bullshit by wearing their mask while walking around outside, or while driving in the car by themselves.

Gaaaaaah, seeing this behaviour is making me crazy 🙁 And I think Vancouver takes the cake. So I’ll start it off:

Vancouver: 40%