Our Fuhrer, Trudope, is more brilliant by the day
There is now a food shortage. What does our brilliant leader do? He decides this is the right time to block truckers from south of the border. Trudeau, please use what little brains you have!
I see that the Fuhrer read our posts on Goldtent and came to his senses. I believe he has now dropped this vaccine mandate for truckers! Good thing we have this site or we’d really be screwed!
I have been just informed that Trudope flip-flopped again and has ordered the truckers to be stopped at the border. It is hard to keep up with our Furher’s decisiveness.
He flip flopped and now they must be vaxxed . The news last nite said 40 -60 % usa drivers not vaxxed and expect big shortages in a week or more. This grind the country down and you will own nothing is obviously no joke. The news also spoke of inter-provincial borders closing for un vaxxed truckers next.
And I thought I would have food to buy during this winter.
If you didn’t know better you would think his objective is to either kill and or drive all Canadiens out of the country. Soon it will be him and the Moose.