The U.S. Food and Drug Administration could authorize the Novavax vaccine by February. Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, Novavax relies on more conventional vaccine technology shown in clinical trials to have fewer side effects, but safety of spike protein still in question.

“Unlike mRNA vaccines, the spike protein is already premade in the Novavax vaccine. It’s a shortcut,” explained Dr. Florescu, who led the clinical trial. “All the synthesis happens outside the body and we just give the end product: the spike protein.”

“We have experience with this well-established technology and these vaccines are relatively very stable,” said Inci Yildirim, M.D., Ph.D., vaccinologist, pediatric infectious diseases specialist, and associate professor of pediatrics and global health at the Yale School of Medicine.

It is not known, however, if the spike protein delivered by the new vaccine is itself safe. “We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein,” Bridle said. “It is a toxin. It can cause damage to our body if it gets into circulation.”