The Tent’s mood is dark today.
We are only hearing about the punishment being thought of or being dealt out to the now Unboosted and the unclean.
I see it differently. More people have woken up but are not yet vocal. The Booster uptake by the Centre is not progressing as quickly as they want. Parents aren’t going to give their kids to the state.
It’s all in the numbers. If 20% of Canadians already said hell no. I don’t trust the counting. We had a Vaxx drive in my village and fell short by 10%. Had to throw the excess away. They basically said that in the local rag.
Add to our numbers those who saw or experienced adverse events or just don’t want to participate in the shots anymore. Is that another 5-10%? We did not have to recruit them.
Add the ones we actively recruit. 10-15% possibly.
Could be 35-40% that say NO.
We are all quiet until they give us a cause to say no more. It’s coming. I do know that our side will not go down easily.
+1. The shitstorm over Cruz’s calling patriots terrorists is evidence that more people are waking up. But you have to understand that EVERYTHING that has happened and is happening is all linked – inextricably so. It began long ago, in front of our faces. But here’s a bit that does indeed tie some things together, so they make more sense. It’s what we are all seeking: to make sense of the world. I found the linked resource of invaluable assistance in “making sense” of where we are, how we got here, and what it portends for the future.