CANADA – Justin Trudeau — The Unvaccinated are usually ‘racist and misogynist’…
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a Quebec television station people who do not get vaccinated against COVID are often racist and misogynistic extremists. His comments prompted People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier to call Trudeau a “fascist psychopath.”
“We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination,” said Trudeau in French.
“We all know people who are deciding whether or not they are willing to get vaccinated, and we will do our very best to try to convince them. However, there is still a part of the population that is fiercely against it.
“They don’t believe in science and progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space.”
“This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? Over 80% of the population of Quebec have done their duty by getting the shot. They are obviously not the issue in this situation.”
F**King little Prick
Someone tell him about all the countries that are 95 to 100% VAXXED AND STILL HAVE HIGHEST EVER CASES
I’ve posted a few times on this site that I am very worried about what Trudeau will do when Parliament resumes in January. Parliament will not stop him. He is hand in glove with the NDP on the issue of vaccination. He is a F**cking Prick for sure. I don’t know what the matter with him is. I don’t know what his motivation is. He must know what we know regarding vaccination yet he persists. The worst kind of a**hole is a persistent a**hole.
“Do we tolerate these people?” That sounds very ominous to me.
Trudeau shows all the traits of a pure fascist.
Agreed Old Miner; I too am extremely concerned about what this arrogant little shithead of a dictator is capable of. And part of the problem is that we damn Canadians are remaining silent about all of it. I’ve said from the beginning that Canada may never shake this off because there are too many sheep in this country that are either running around bleating for more government control, or else they are sitting around saying “oh well, it doesn’t affect me”
I think I’d go insane with anger and worry if it wasn’t for this forum.
While I agree that the punishment has to get worse to teach the sheep what will happen to them if they don’t comply, he will face a mounting opposition that will have picked up steam in the Centre.
These types are oblivious to the fact that when he is forced out of power, and he will be, the trials begin.
If he comes for the children, we will gain more support from parents who now see what is happening.
It’s all about enrolling people with an ID card (control).
I want neither the shots nor the card.