CNN Doctor: Wear Masks At Home And Take Tests On Christmas Morning
A resident doctor on CNN told viewers Thursday that they should all be wearing masks at home around other family members and everyone should wake up on Christmas morning and rather than open presents, take COVID tests.
NOTE: This MUST be superb advice because a “grey haired doctor wearing a white lab coat” is making it — not an OUNCE of FEAR MONGERING is intended by this video and CNN loves and respects Christians of all faiths so it can’t possibly be RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION — no this is just kind hearted CNN that doesn’t earn a penny from parroting the dictates of the pharmaceutical industry or have a vested interest in keeping citizens living in fear of a pandemic that has an almost perfect survival rate. They must care a lot about you to give you this type of information!!!!
What an absolute f***ing idiot. He can take all my shots and a few covid tests and shove them up his ass.