All Vaxxed Up and No Place to Hide !

How’s that Passport System Working For ya ?


Removing the Partially Vaxxed and Status Unknown stats and just looking at the Fully Vaxxed vs the Pure Bloods

718 Pure Bloods and 2338 Double/ Triple Vaxxed = 3056 total


Pandemic of the Unvaxxed ???

The Great Omicon Continues Unabated

80% of Eligible are Maxx Vaxxed and close to 80% of cases are in this group

But BUT…YOU told us the vaccine works and stops the spread and we are now still wearing masks , social distancing, have huge restrictions on visitors to our homes , and we are all eating in Fully Vaxxed Only Restaurants and Travelling on Fully Vaxxed Planes and Trains.

Tell Me again why I need a Third Jab ?

This is terrible…I am sure all Goldtenters are in shock and denial at this turn of events . Do not forward this to your FRIENDS

Fully Unvaccinated


PS…I’m watching the Covid Channel on TV ( yes we have a 24/7 Covid Channel here …all Covid all day

They tell you Covid stats from local to all around the world and replay all the Govt leaders form all the levels and all their Health Czars…ALL DAY !!

CP24 ( Covid Porn 24 )

They just showed a massing line up outside a pharmacy in a Blizzard in Toronto …all masked up and socially distanced of course….What are they lining up for ? Toilet Paper ? Lottery Tickets ? Free Ivermectin ?