Here is an article that purports Ivermectin is Useless Now BUT there is a New Discovery that can be bought OTC ( Amazon) and it is better than IVM

Personally I think this is BULLSHIT…even though its published at ZeroHedge.

I get the impression its a promo by whomever benefits from the sale of this thing .

Perhaps they even paid Zero Hedge to post this piece .

Reading the piece it completely discounts IVM and claims it is useless against variants

Even claims the studies were fraudulent.

Also it claims the Vaccines are useful .

At the end it suggests to get some of this stuff as a back up even if you still believe in IVM

You need a good BS Detector these days.

Unless I hear about this Tollovid from one of our trusted sources…Like Zalenski and McCullough etc…I am putting it in the BS Basket

From an email thread I am on…it looks like this ZH article is “Working”

“Looks like about $5.48 per capsule….> $300 for 60 capsules…”

“when I checked amazon earlier this morning it was $90 for 60 capsules. Another site was much more expensive but I don’t remember which site it was, but wasn’t a major one”