On Sunday I posted that I believe we are being set up for something big. I saved this for today, since so many Tuesdays offer weakness in gold and silver, and if you think this is even a remote possiblity, you can take immediate action. What Happens, when the day comes that either the LME or COMEX or both, cannot open? I have often mentioned I see a day when in a freefall, Bitcoin and other cyrpto’s go no bid. What about in a face ripping rally in gold and silver, the fraudulent accomodators cannot open, and gold and silver, go no asked. None available at any price! Could that day be Monday? No one knows. But if that day comes, will you be prepared? Got Gold Got Silver! After writing the first part of this I thought more about it. Doesn’t it make you think that TPTB are preparing for something big? They are over hyping Omicron worse than anything, even though it is harmless. Companies and organizations including all the professional sports leagues are taking all kinds of precaustions and DiBozo announced he is thinking about cancelling in person Times Square celebrations for New Years Eve again? What if they are going to use an orchestrated takedown of the internet to cover for the COMEX and LME failures and resulting stock market crash? Maybe this weekend, or more likely over New Year’s weekend? So take some action here and if nothing happens over this Christmas weekend, be ready to add some more next Tues. The worse case scenario if a metals default doesn’t occur, you are locked and loaded for 2022 when gold and silver are very likely going much higher. Maybe not all at once, but then again, the odds keep getting higher that something big is coming!