Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 across America are reported, as the most heavily vaccinated states experience steeper climbs in cases than even the least vaccinated states. The trends suggest growing numbers of breakthrough infections. From New York and Indiana to Michigan and Maine and Pennsylvania, surges in cases equate to many hospitals being near full capacity. Conditions are so bad in some places that in certain states, National Guard members are deployed to help deal with the pandemic. After a review of the top 10 most vaccinated states versus the top 10 least vaccinated ones, the data points to again, some surprising findings—like the last TrialSite review, the level of vaccination doesn’t ensure a reduction in surges

Top 10 Vaccinated States

State Vaccination Rate (2 doses) Trend (up or down)
Vermont 74.52% Historical Spike in cases; Death rate unacceptably high
Rhode Island 74.31% Historical Spike in cases; Death rate Stabilized
Maine 73.67% Historical Spike in cases; Death rate unacceptably high
Connecticut 73.13% Historical Spike in cases; Death rate Stabilized
Massachusetts 72.59% Historical Spike in cases; Death rate unacceptably high
New York 69.46% Rising Cases—a spike; Death rate stabilized
West Virginia 68.99% Surge in cases—unacceptable death rate
New Jersey 68.88% Surge in cases—death rate stabilized
Maryland 68.84% Recent surge may be waning—recent unacceptable death rate appears on the decline
Virginia 66.31% Surge in cases—unacceptable death rate

Least Vaccinated States

State Vaccination Rate (2 doses) Trend (up or down)
Idaho 45.63% Decline in cases—unacceptable death rate
Wyoming 46.39% Decline in cases—unacceptable death rate
Alabama 46.67% Stabilized—cases and deaths way down
Mississippi 47.53% Stabilized—cases and deaths way down
Louisiana 49.35% Stabilized—cases and deaths way down
North Dakota 49.55% Cases up-still in a surge; deaths unacceptably high
Georgia 49.77% Stabilized—cases and deaths on way down
Arkansas 50.07% Cases (and deaths) appear on way back up after decline
Tennessee 50.18% Cases way down; deaths unacceptably high
Indiana 51.14% Surge in cases—death rates way down but still too many
As TrialSite has chronicled, there seems to be no correlation between vaccinated states and fewer cases. This goes for other nations as well. In fact, as measured by proportional growth, the most vaccinated states in America now experience greater COVID-19 surges than the least vaccinated states—as was the case during the last review.
