A mass counterfeiting operation

In the aggregate, the bombshell findings that are being uncovered by these individuals are simply horrifying. It appears that a mass crypto counterfeiting operation has been under way for years, creating “counterfeit” crypto coins that are used to buy up Bitcoin, Ether and other coins across the crypto ecosystem. There is irrefutable evidence of the criminality of such operations (see the NY AG document above), and it appears that the “valuations” of the crypto ecosystem are largely fictitious.

Based on these revelations, it appears that the vast majority of the crypto ecosystem is a global counterfeiting scheme that’s headed for a “crypto reset” once the fraud is fully exposed. While many people are buying crypto with cash, other players simply “create” coins out of thin air and use those to purchase Bitcoin, Ether or other popular coins. They then sell those coins for cash (such as USD), thereby transferring greenback fiat currency into their own hands by simply counterfeiting digital fiat from the start.
