There weren’t a lot of 15-year-olds who were vaccinated before the EUA rolled out. Two of them died of cardiac issues within days of their shot. Should we be concerned? Absolutely! Here’s why…

” A “fact check” from Reuters which attempts to debunk claims about 174 times more kids die from the vaccine than from COVID was recently brought to my attention.

First, I can’t support 174X. But I can support 117X for ages 5 to 11. See my article on this. If anyone wants to challenge us on this, let’s have an open debate.

I’m going to resist discrediting the Reuters fact check that’s irrelevant for this story. However, if they are willing to hold themselves accountable for their fact check (which never happens), let’s have an open debate.

Instead, I want to focus on a document referenced in the fact check: Evidence-based information for parents on the risk for children of COVID-19 vs. the risk of the vaccines by Dr. Alan Palmer.”

“We are in an era where we are seeing Black Swans every day and choosing to ignore them.”