Remember in 2009 how an internal investigation into child pornography revealed hundreds of civilian and military employees of the DoD had bought child porn, yet ‘only a handful of cases‘ were prosecuted?

“the CIA has “secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children), yet while most of the cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime (who also allegedly mishandled classified information), and the rest were sent back to the CIA to handle internally – which meant few faced any consequences “beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances.”

“When asked why the CIA might not pursue a criminal case, four former officials told BuzzFeedthat the agency might be concerned that they would lose control of sensitive information.

“We can’t have these people testify, they may inadvertently be forced to disclose sources and methods,” said the official, who added that the agency’s problem with child abuse stretches back decades.”