All Of A Sudden The CDC Has Stopped Talking About Herd Immunity — why — it’s a NEW neverendingstory
In what should come as no surprise to anyone watching the Covid related narrative closely (or those who have been watching the herd immunity narrative from the get-go), the CDC has “set aside herd immunity as a national goal,” according to a new report from the LA Times.
What used to be a relatively simple concept has now turned into something “very complicated”, according to Dr. Jefferson Jones, a medical officer on the CDC’s COVID-19 Epidemiology Task Force.
“Thinking that we’ll be able to achieve some kind of threshold where there’ll be no more transmission of infections may not be possible,” he said to a panel that advises the CDC last week.
While Jones says vaccines are effective against Covid, “even if vaccination were universal, the coronavirus would probably continue to spread,” the report says.