NIH approves ivermectin
Ivermectin now NIH-EUA approved for use to treat COVID; everyone who spoke out against the madness AND REFUSED TO TAKE THE JAB is responsible for this ray of sanity shining through. IT’S STILL WAY PAST TIME TO THROW ALL THE BUMS OUT!…/table-2e/
The table in the article does not clarify that Ivermectin is approved. Instead it clearly states that Remdesivir is approved but does NOT include similar wording for Nitazoxanide and Ivermectin. Instead it refers to various clinical trials which implies that these are the “under evaluation” medicines that are referred to in the title of the chart. We wish it to be true but ……..
These institutions, as corrupt as they are, would never approve something that worked but have relegated effective treatments to “under evaluation” forever. Notice how studies of Ivermectin are always “ongoing.” It’s as if they have no end, but some crap drug from Merck selling for $700 a treatment for pills, the formulation of which the taxpayer funded, can get emergency use authorization. These murdering f*ckers would do anything for a dollar.
You’re both right. I’ll just add the words demonic and evil to their description as murdering f*ckers.