Is it a coincidence that health officials and politicians in “power” seem to be “stepping down…one by one …in many different jourisdictions ?
The UK Minister of Health was ass canned recently
Francis Collins of the NIH ( The Fauch’s “Boss” )…Gone
2 Top FDA Officials Resigned…and a few more lower level people now said to have “quit”
2 Aussie ( NSW) Leaders.. Premier and Deputy Premier…sacked
Keep your eyes open…Looks like these Dipshit Moron Evil Assholes are going DOWN
PS..Have you all noticed that every one of these cretin social retards.. male female or otherwise… look like they have never been laid…and never will be
That explains a lot
Case in Point Teresa Tam ( Canadian Health Czaress )
Time to take the Trudeau bastard to court and force him to resign like these scum politicians in the Australian police state.