AUSTRALIA — Covid Mandates Are Turning Australia Into A Police State — an Australian citizen perspective
“To many outsiders, the footage out of Australia flooding our social feeds appears more like a scene from a dystopian Hollywood flick than the laid-back land down under that has often be regarded as one of the best places in the world to live.
There’s little wonder the nation attracted a record of more than 9 million tourists between July 2018 and June 2019. But following the events of 2020-2021, it might be safe to assume Australia has been thoroughly crossed off many a foreigner’s travel list.”
“the heavy-handed measures are breaking the nation, breaking the people, breaking the economy, and breaking the vital relationship between the public and the police who are enforcing the state government’s health mandates. And what’s worse, there’s just no end in sight.”
“Closing Thoughts
It’s been said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Those of us living through this nightmare in Australia are understanding these words more than ever. They say that big government makes small citizens, and if you ever need proof of that look no further than the land of the “young” and, so-called, “free.”