This is from a Patient who is active in trying to wake people up . I am n her email list

Hi Folks,
Lots of info in this powerful letter.
I am now starting to break my silence with those friends & family who have said they don’t want info. We are at a critical point & must take a stand. They must stand with us! They don’t understand that our very human existence is at stake!

There is an ocean of information out there, yes, I said AN OCEAN OF INFORMATION!!, to prove we are in very perilous times. Stop hiding your heads in the sand!

This supposed “pandemic” is a created hoax to deceive the multitudes of the nations of our world, (just go to our own Canadian data and look up all deaths and you will see that nothing is out of the ordinary) and those of you who have grown up in the church should know better than anyone what has been predicted in the bible & should of anyone, recognize the signs of the times!

And yes, if it’s predicted in the bible, then we can’t stop it, so why bother?

Because as people of integrity, we take a stand for truth and justice, we take a stand against the evil, even against all incredible odds against us. We don’t lie down and let them roll over us. We take a stand and be courageous so that others can gain courage by our actions, to speak and stand for the truth!

Be people of integrity and courage!
Stand with us!

Today all over the world, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions will march for truth and freedom.
This will be the FOURTH world wide march that will take place. I didn’t even know this till a few days ago.

The main stream media has hidden this from you. Multitudes are gathering to stand against this tyranny.

This is unprecedented in our world today!!


Wake up folks, and smell the coffee.
It’s brewing!


This covers the issue – book and verse.