Climate Change & Court-Ordered Inflation


“A Dutch court has found an oil company, Shell, to be partially responsible for causing climate change, and has ordered Shell to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. Crucially, the 45% reduction is not just for Shell’s own emissions, but the emissions caused by the use of its petroleum products on a global basis, by the consumers and companies of the world.”

“In other words, the impact of the court order is that on average anything that uses energy becomes more expensive every year, as an increasing percentage of the source of cheap energy is withdrawn, and is replaced with more expensive but more environmentally friendly sources of energy. If this weren’t true – there wouldn’t be any need for the judicial decrees or the extensive government financial support of alternative energy, the markets would instead take care of the transition.”

“The court did not provide the year by year specifics, just that the 45% reduction goal in 9 years must be met, and that there must be annual progress in meeting that goal. Indeed, that was the reasoning for the decree, which wasn’t that Shell was currently out of compliance, but that it was likely to go out of compliance in the near future.”

The 59% increase in gasoline prices over the last 12 months would not be transitory but the permanent base for far higher prices. Over time the much higher prices and shorter supplies would greatly reduce the miles driven by gasoline powered vehicles – and that’s the idea, the goal, the reason for the court order. Fewer people would own their own vehicles – that is the idea as well. The more expensive electric cars would be owned by a smaller percentage of the population, and a greater percentage of the low income population would grow up never owning a car – and that’s the idea too, the plan.”

This is a significant analysis & worthy of understanding!!