Really..You can’t !
Libtards are the sickest of the sick…lock these people up together so they can infect each other all day
Really..You can’t !
Libtards are the sickest of the sick…lock these people up together so they can infect each other all day
The modern day school teacher is evil personified. On an individual basis, they may seem nice, but the effect of their profession – their work, as it were – is to turn all children into ignorant and mindless drones. Bring back the schoolhouse run by parents!
Hear Hear
Local One Room Schoolhouses …Hire a Good teacher…discuss the ciriculuum and band together with other like minded families .
Screw “Public Education” Screw “Public Health”…… screw the public…is what they do.
Take care of your own health too .
Screw Medicare and all that shit…Gov’t gives out Health Bucks to be used on any kind of health care you like…or just
take your vitamins and keep it and invest in Bitcoin 🙂