F-head Ford is tightening the lockdown and police state
How can you believe these a-holes when they have repressed the use of Ivermectin and HCQ when these medicines have been proven effective for preventing and stopping the so-called virus? They say stay-at-home and cry over the variants and avoid medicines that should have been administered a long time ago. They shill the vaccines but have no idea what the hell they do. Or if they are the cause of the variants which some top virologists believe. They are preventing people from exercising, from getting sufficient sunlight, which strengthens the immune system. These people are complete idiots, liars, and power-hungry maniacs. Their biggest crime has been from the beginning denying the use of medicines like Ivermectin and HCQ which would have saved lives and would have stopped the so-called virus.
I wonder how much Rothchild is paying Ford to do his dirty work here in Kanada to make it in to a concentration camp where they administer experimental vaccines.
Will Ontario emulate the UK process where basic rights and freedoms have been eliminated by the master class? Will curfews come quickly and ideos of police breaking down citizen doors to ensure mandatory vaccination? See forced vaccination video about 3 stories down — truly disgusting!!
Does anybody in the tent know of anyone that is sick,even the sniffles ? If they pull this off for another summer I would gander that they have won the war and will continue for years. No doubt peeps are fleeing the cities for some space and freedom.
Reminder that this is also allergy season for many people as new growth begins – grass, dandelions, pollen etc
Another reason to stay Inside…Pollen Kills !
Bloody f***ing Nazi leader he is.
Definition of insanity: keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. The lockdowns never worked before and they aren’t going to work now.
And if I hear one more “getting vaccines into the arms of people” I am going to scream. It sounds as if they are talking about a newborn baby, not an RNA altering dose of experimental poison.
This 6 weeks is going to cause untold suicides, bankruptcies, drug overdoses, alcoholism, domestic abuse, child and animal abuse, mental health crises, and more vaccine-induced illness. It is not going to do diddley squat else. Oh, but I forgot: none of the above matters to Nazi Doug and his sheeple who are screaming for more of this shit. It’s all about “we can’t let anyone die from Covid”
I think our only hope is for the US to finish waking up (they are at least making progress, we are moving backwards) and then send in their army to arrest Theresa Tam, BC’s Dr Bitchface, PM Turd-o, Nazi Doug Ford, and while they are at it that idiot premier from Manitoba