Here is a Good Question and topic for discussion from an ExPat on an email group I am connected with
“Got a question for you all: How many people would you estimate are actually aware of the gravity of the voter fraud? How many people are aware of the gravity of a Biden presidency? How many people even know anything about Biden’s laptop or any of their shenanigans? How many people are aware of how thoroughly corrupt the entire political system has become?
Been sitting here and thinking about the bigger picture. Since I am not in the US, I truly have no idea how well (or not) the population as a whole in the US is informed. I most certainly know that there has been near zero coverage in the MSM, so really wonder what other means people have of getting this info other than the relative few internet sites that actually do cover this.
The reason I ask is because out of all the people that I am surrounded by and interact with around here, which is around 30 expats from all over the world (US, Canada, Australia, Britain, South Africa, Switzerland, Germany, France, Russia, and some other nations) I am truly the only one who knows anything about what we are discussing and reading about in our little world here. Even the most ardent Trump supporter in our little group here is totally clueless about what is going on. In the group everybody has pretty much written me off as a conspiracy nutcase. They don’t believe anything I tell them and they most certainly think I am off my rocker when I tell them about Biden’s laptop, the Dominion connection with China and India, etc. None of the guys have ever even heard anything about the WEF, Klaus Schwab, or the Great Reset. That actually also holds true for my friends in the US who I call every so often in NH and FL.
I had this idea of just counting the number of viewers of the various “conspiracy” channels on YouTube (the ones that are left like CrossRoads), Bitchute, Brighteon, etc. Assuming that there is some overlap, I come up with a number of around 500k people in the US who may be somewhat informed. I assume there are a few other sources on the net to get some of the info, so maybe 1 million? That is a ridiculously small number. That means that only 1 in about 300 in the US have any clue of what is really going on. In my mind that is truly worrisome. Let me know if I am truly off by millions! But even if I am off by a factor of 10, that would still be only 1 in 30 which is actually exactly what I see in my circle of people around me here.
Conclusion: I think Trump’s team is doing a horrendous job in getting the message out to people and the world! If Trump, by some act of God, does prevail and becomes President, it will most definitely look like a coup to the people who did not vote for him, and most definitely to the rest of the world and there will always be a huge cloud hanging over the legitimacy of his Presidency.
Thanks, and sorry for my rambling…love to hear opinions.”
My Initial response
Very Good Question xxxx
I Don’t think Trump is at fault for not getting the word out…MSM has censored it 100% and most people are hooked on MSM
In spite of the MSM blackout …. Polls ( yes we can’t fully trust them) show 70% of Repubs believe there was fraud and 30% of Dems believe there was fraud
Last number I heard was 47% of voters believe Fraud.
Also this Lawsuit shows Half of the States in the union believe the fraud and this includes reps from 2 of the accused states Michigan and Georgia.
I agree it is surprising that in your circle you are the only one who is aware of WEC et al.
Most people are just blissfully living their lives oblivious to the sinister elements who are out in the open now.
Good for them….they don’t have the worries we do.
Thanks for bringing this up
When all main stream news media is owned by the establishment, then they decide the narrative.
The establishment have an agenda, which requires Trump to be removed, by whatever means necessary.
None of this is new. It goes back 1000s of years.
You would think the Kennedy Option would have saved them a Lot of grief if that was the One Goal
Except this time it would have triggered serious war in the streets, I believe. When Kennedy was taken out, the nation was simply shocked. There was no understanding of the deep state (been with us forever) nor any concept that the U.S. government was capable of such actions.
Today, I’d bet that at least half the U.S. believe government is capable AND WILLING to do anything the human mind can imaginew to get what they want. It now appears they got it without having to resort more wet work. Still, it is something of a miracle that Trump is still on his own two feet and talking.
Absolutely fascinating question. I would have said a fairly low number except for the polls, when we know how often the polls tend to be biased. However I am not sure that many people know how extreme the fraud was. (I by the way write as someone who is by no means a Trump fan.)
In some senses it is hard for me to see how Trump could do better in getting the word out when there is such extreme blackout. On the other hand I think he and his supporters – typically – are blowing it by using polarizing invective. There are any number of liberals who hate the DNC. There are any number of radical leftists (these are people who see the DNC as extremely right wing, who may see Biden/Harris and the “liberal” MSM if anything to the right of Trump). There are even more people who are sick of politics because of its various stupidities. Denouncing enemies as “liberals”, “communists”, “socialists”, etc, when all these words have been twisted through so many contortions, and when so many others would willingly become allies, does not help. Trump and his supporters need to get up there and denounce unfairness, injustice, dishonesty, distortion, indecency. There are many people for whom Trump is pretty unappetizing but who are desperate to do anything to throw any wrench into any of the rigged games – and are particularly terrified of the DNC type of totalitarianism. I think people may be ready for straight talk on manipulation from oligarchs. The question is whether Trump is up to it, or whether he may fold or is part of it.
A related question is how many people believe the whole Covid masking thing in its entirety. In my neck of the woods (heavy D voting typically) there is only grudging compliance. I have the sense – can’t prove – that it would not take much to make many demographics other than those who get well paid working from home to explode or at least stop complying en masse. I am almost certain that they will have a hard time getting vaccine acceptance. (The election fraud and the medical disinformation are and aren’t linked, so this remark is off topic but not off topic IMO so no apologies on my part.)
Most excellent observations and comments Sir Karl…welcome back indeed.
I am fascinated to hear that in your neck of the woods people are fed up
Thats a very good thing . There is hope
From an article my son sent me last night:
“A crisis typically turns an inward-orientation into outward action, puts an end to atomization with an emphasis on teamwork, unity, and collective effort, and requires the surmounting of complacency and timidity through the exercise of courage — particularly the physical variety, and particularly amongst the younger generations.
And yet generations Y and Z, who already struggled with anxiety and depression, find themselves even more turned back into themselves, in conditions perfectly situated to breed an even deeper state of morbid self-consciousness. Fellow human beings, which already represented an anxiety-inducing metaphorical threat in the possibility of embarrassment and real or perceived ostracisation, have now been overlaid with an actual physical threat in the specter of contamination and illness. Gen Z, which even before the pandemic, got together less often for face-to-face interactions with their peers — out of a preference for the safety and control of communicating digitally — now see each other even less frequently. Feelings of shyness and awkwardness can only be amplifying. We have become even warier about socializing and more isolated than ever.
Despite media and corporate messaging about us all being in this together, without some kind of tangible, collaborative, camaraderie-building action for everyone to pitch in with, and in an atmosphere rife with partisan conflict, we find ourselves far more divided than united.”
In essence, there is no unifying common ground or cause to unite people. Winning an election is an event, not a cause with substance and principles. There is no common “perceived enemy” to rally an overwhelming majority of American citizens. Until The Highway Men arrive in D.C. and do their business, and reveal to ALL the deep state which is indeed the common enemy, we will continue to battle ghosts. now that I think of it, Trump had four full years to reveal and bring a full frontal attack agains the deep state. Sad to say, IMHO, he did not do so. He poked, he railed endlessly, but “nothing happened.” N.o.t.h.i.n.g. Deep state came through his presidency unscathed. Trump did a lot of good for America and Americans, but on this one key thing he failed miserably.
Excellent …Thanks to your Son Boomer
Support for Trump coming down the elevator started miniscule and grew ever since – organically. For this to happen meant a LOT of minds were changed – now there are 70 to 80mm changed minds. I did not think it would be possible to get more votes than BHO got his first term but Trump shattered that DESPITE the removal/cancellatoin of the vote of many of his constituents. Most humans don’t take the red pill and then decide to take the blue pill unless they have their memories erased. Yes, there are zombies who voted for trump who don’t see the big picture or the threat to the system but I believe they are in the minority. If they are ex-pats, they likely have the resources to become such and it was most likely out of economic need, not the desire for liberty.