I strangely came upon this card in a book set to me from an annonymous reader in Florida. about the great depression. The Book arrived in the mail and was surprisingly quite worn, obviously well read. The sender said she bought it at a second hand book shop .

I have had it for maybe 10 years….It’s a prized possession….

With reference to Your Great Post Tonite  at Rambus


What a week for the DOW up 2.9% or 673 points in one week. Rambus’ charts have shown the breakout, followed by backtest and now no resistance is in sight. It has now built up such a full head of steam that anyone trying to stand in front of it is getting mowed down. It is a bit scary actually, because we know that the big money is made and lost at the turn of the cycle and most of the public gets it wrong at both ends and the public is now buying. So what should an investor do?

Yes, I do feel like Roger Babson who correctly identified the top of the market in September 1929, after of course identifying it in both 1927 and 1928. But he understood what was going on, whereas the public had no clue, here is what he said at the top:

“I repeat what I said at this time last year and the year before, that sooner or later a crash is coming which will take down the leading stocks and cause a decline of 60 to 80 points in the Dow Jones.  Fair weather cannot always continue. The Economic Cycle is in progress today as it was in the past. The Federal Reserve System has put the banks in a strong position, but it has not changed human nature. More people are borrowing and speculating today than ever in our history. Sooner or later a crash is coming and it may be terrific. Wise are those investors who now get out of debt and reef their sails.  This does not mean selling all you have, but it does mean paying up your loans and avoiding margin speculation. Sooner or later the stock market boom will collapse like the Florida boom. Someday the time is coming when the market will begin to slide or , sellers will exceed buyers, and paper profits will begin to disappear, then there will immediately be a stampede to save what paper profits then exist.”

Roger Babson  September 5, 1929.
