“This is the brilliance of this bioweapon (the COVID jabs)… It goes to every part of your body—it will hit you at whatever your point of susceptibility is… there are 1,287 side effects… This is the most evil assault upon humanity that anybody could imagine.”

“Every patient is different… There’s no two that are the same. And and this [is] the brilliance of this bioweapon,” Hoffe says. “The fact that they chose the lipid nano capsules as a delivery system ensured that this would get into every single part of your body. And so because it goes to every part of your body, it will hit you at whatever your point of susceptibility is. Whatever your point of weakness is, that’s where you’ll notice it the most.”

“There’s no medical product that has 1287 side effects,”…..”Because all of these people… were told that this was gonna keep them safe. And meanwhile, it was designed to cause harm.”
