Apparently Law Firm Security Clearances WERE Reinstated
JQ Public needs an explanation why these are needed, esp. after the lawfare against DJT and hosts of other conservatives.
JQ Public needs an explanation why these are needed, esp. after the lawfare against DJT and hosts of other conservatives.
Big mistake by Trump. These firms and their libtard defenders raised the argument that even criminals deserve to be provided with legal representation, and they do. No where in the Constitution does it say that top security clearances are needed to conduct such legal representation. Giving the leftists who want to destroy the country and who will go to any length to provide roadblocks to everything Trump is doing, access to classiified documents, is like providing a foreign country you are at war with, the battle plans of your military.
The clearances for these parasites were reinstated by the Courts not by Trump
Didn’t see anything about court’s in Trump agreeing to rescind his order. That may have occurred right after the original order and possibly Trump’s lawyers advised him he was likely to lose on that issue but if that isn’t the case Trump should have stuck to his guns. Security clearances should only be granted in specific cases with the approval of a judge when it is necessary for a specific lawyer to defend a specific client in a specific case. They shouldn’t be had by members of law firms as a matter of general principle. Why does anyone who isn’t currently a govt. employee or contractorneed to have clearances once they leave govt or the contractor? If someone leaves govt. and comes back in the future they can be reinstated at that time. This is why so many leaks occur all the time. Too much shit is classified to begin with and the things that need to be, should only be accessed by those who need to know.
OK, then it wasn’t Trumps’ mistake, my bad. His AG needs to challenge the reinstatements.