The Dog That Didn’t Bark
I have used this line from Sherlock Holmes previously, and it is appropriate, once again. While we did get a small pullback yesterday in the metals after the 30 day pause was announced, it wasn’t the usual smackdown we would have expected based on past manipulative behavior.
Either the bankster shorts have changed their playbook, or they are saving a smackdown for somewhere in the future. I would say they covered a large amount of their shorts back around and below, $30 on silver. What the lack of a significant pullback in gold and silver prices means, is the tariffs were only a small part of what is driving prices higher. So even if the tariffs never get implemented, (which I hinted at yesterday) the metals are going higher.
Here is what is different. While it has only been two full weeks, so we need to see more confirming examples, The PPT under the new administration does not appear to want the bankster shorts to smack silver everytime an economic or market related data point comes out.(that was what happened under Yellen) Neither, last week’s FED decision nor yesterday with the tariff rollback, you had perfect opportunities to smack the metals, especially silver. They didn’t and that is why “this time is different.”
Yesterday was Boomer’s Fault….now that he has STFU …WE ARE FREE TO PROCEED
All Kidding aside this DOES feel different CM
Good analysis
CM your calls on silver have been exceptional! I appreciate your hard work and technical genius. Thank you for sharing with the Tent. May you continue to have success and prosper.
Thanks UH, Best Wishes and remember, Resistance Is Futile! LOL