COVID Origin: WCW investigation proves U.S. Govt Funded “Patient Zero”
Published June 2023
Let me get this straight. Fauci’s NIAID and @USAID sent over $40M in U.S. taxpayer “support” to a scientist in Wuhan who was working on “bat coronavirus emergence” research, who also became “patient zero” for COVID-19?
And the completion date for that funding was … in 2019??? This document was obtained via FOIA by @WhiteCoatWaste.
it was pretty good bang for the buck. In US alone it amounts to less than $33/death and less than $0.39/infection.
Thinking along the lines of Lindsay Graham’s 2023 “Russians are dying — it’s the best money we’ve ever spent”……. “there was a time in America that we were this way, fighting until the last person, we’re gonna be free or die” …… only this time it was generations of Ukrainian men (child, brother, spouse) conscripted for the front lines.