Back when this was primarily a trading site 4 horsemen
Long time ago, and maybe this was posted at Rambus and not here, but there was a discussion of using the four horsemen to enter and exit trades. It was a combination of 2 MACD and 2 TSI charts and when all four had crossovers it was time to go. I had saved, printed this discussion and can no longer find it. Was trying to share it with my son. Any one have it, please let me know
I typed it into the search bar
This was a different four horseman. A selection of 4 stocks to capture the bull market. That was 5 years ago. Looks like 2 of the horses broke a leg somewhere along the way. However I do think they will heal and not have to be put down. We could write a long article as to why this all happened as far as the individual companies and also the bull market timing of it all.
Hang in there we are almost there .
The 4 Horsemen was a concept brought to the Tent by a Canadian Former Professional Currency Trader… Matrix
He still reads here and will be impressed his Trading Method has been recalled
Hopefully he’ll repost
Here it is in chart form using the SPX..
With some extras added on. I still use this today. I know it looks ridiculously busy, but once the eye is trained it makes instant sense.