From J C

In a 2024-style twist that might explain much, it unsurprisingly turns out that Kamala Harris has serious daddy issues. The New York Times ran a hagiographic story Friday headlined, “Kamala Harris and the Influence of an Estranged Father Just Two Miles Away.” Perhaps even more astonishing than the fact that Kamala and her father haven’t spoken in decades was that Kamala’s father’s first name and middle initial are “Donald J.” I am not making that up.

The Times’ article is an overlong, over-the-top biography of far-left economist Donald J. Harris that tries its best to excuse Kamala’s absence from his life, bizarrely attempting to paint a picture of a strong, albeit absent, father figure who positively influenced his daughter even though the two can’t stand each other. Without evidence, the Times hilariously described their nonexistent relationship as his “spectral presence” in her life.

In other words, he ghosted her.

Dr. Harris,” the Times earnestly informed readers, “has been a mostly absent figure from his daughter’s life but not an irrelevant one.” Uh huh. The excruciatingly lengthy, excuses-packed, race-baiting, meandering article never quite got around to putting its finger on the family’s problem, even though that would seem to be the most interesting question for readers. The closest the article came was quoting a family friend who said the trouble “is that they’re so much alike.”

I think that is called damning someone with faint praise. What common element of their similar personalities precludes familial affection?

I’m not slamming Kamala Harris for having a troubled family life. Who among us can claim a halcyon Leave It To Beaver legacy? But all this blackwashing has got to stop.

Donald J. What are the odds? I mean, come on.