Every day we find ourselves responding to headlines, articles, papers, comments with the simple refrain – “Hunger Games”.


“The only winning move is not to play.” Joshua AI computer system, 1983.

WarGames (11/11) Movie CLIP – The Only Winning Move (1983) HD (youtube.com)

As we keep saying, the first player to reduce bond issuance wins.

How do Common Knowledge games come to fruition? Very slowly, then all at once.

“It all comes down to the ever-growing imbalances in the complex adaptive system that is the global financial and economic construct. The US, as the keeper of the global reserve currency, acts as the core of the global nuclear reactor financial sandpile. That sandpile expands, aided and propped up by the tenacity of a multitude of interventions on behalf of the powers-that-be, all with the misspent belief that, by preventing and mitigating avalanches, they are make the sandpile safer. Eventually, inevitably, one last grain of sand will start an unforeseen, seemingly small avalanche, that will trigger the chain reaction across the connectivity of mass-accumulated fingers of fragility. We will get the phase transition, Ben Hunt’s ‘Great Ravine’, and the system will reset to a stable, natural, equilibrium.”