With lots of cash and if he is smart, more to come, by selling off major parts of his holdings in overvalued stocks like Apple and others, two opportunities are presenting themselves.

The long term chart of Boeing, looks to be setting up for a huge inverse H&S bottom in the next month or so in the $140 – $150 area. Being one of a global duopoly of major aircraft manufacturers, they have the moat that he desires.

The other is trickier. Intel has just crashed through it’s two year base, so it is going to take some time(maybe more than Warren actually has) before it stabilizes and is prosperous again. The US govt. is already assisting Inel and they can’t let it fail, especially with Taiwan Semi being the major chip supplier to the world. The move to expand their foundry business will take years to pay off but in the low twenties, Berkshire Hathaway stockholders are patient long term holders.