The Syrian and Afghan population in Germany has risen dramatically, and it’s costing Germans billions…

Ever since the 2015/16 migrant crisis, Syrians have arrived in Germany in ever-increasing numbers, and now number at least 972,000 at the end of 2023, according to Statista. There are 22 million Syrians living in Syria itself, meaning those in Germany represent nearly 1 for every 20 in their native country.

However, despite promises that Syrians would integrate into the German economy, the numbers still tell a very different story, with 513,534 Syrians receiving the German welfare benefit known as citizen’s money (Burgergeld), according to the current data from the Federal Employment Agency. However, even those who are not receiving this payment receive money, housing, and other benefits from the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act.

This is a major factor in Germany’s record-high debt levels, with the government spending nearly €50 billion on migrants in 2023, making up a sizeable portion of Germany’s overall budget.