Oliver, who has described himself as “armed and gay,” will be the party’s youngest-ever nominee at age 38. Among his many stances that will repel not only many libertarians but also other right-wing voters seeking a Trump alternative:

LGBT: He’s said “I’m not going to stop being a visible ally for trans people. Never.” He opposes gender transition surgeries for anyone under age 18 but has written favorably of “puberty pausing” for kids. He supports having “trans women” in girl’s sports.
Abortion: Pro-choice, said he supports codifying Roe v Wade, but opposes federal funding of abortions.
“Climate change”: He believes in it, but seems to favor private solutions and has strongly advocated nuclear energy
Gun rights: Opposes new gun laws and says he’d work to repeal existing ones.
Immigration: Wants to “radically simplify our immigration system” and “create a simpler path to citizenship.” Responded to a Ron DeSantis tweet against importing Palestinians from Gaza by quoting the Statue of Liberty inscription.

Mises Caucus candidate Rectenwald picked the worst possible time to exhibit some particularly poor judgement. At times, Rectenwald struggled to articulate himself, then abandoned the event midway. He later told the Washington Post‘s Meryl Kornfield that he had consumed an edible cannabis product before speaking.

Reaction quote: Chase Oliver is the best Libertarian Party candidate for helping reelect Donald Trump.



I just gotta go to one of them there Libertarian conventions — the leading candidate has to retreat from the stage because he’s stoned — what a blast from the past — 1970’s all over again!