
From JC

National Review ran a story yesterday headlined, “‘Eight Million Reasons’: Jim Jordan Accuses Biden of Retaining Classified Info to Secure Lucrative Book Deal.”


Yesterday, in a contentious hearing featuring democrats and republicans playing clips of each other’s presidential candidates making verbal gaffes, Congress questioned Special Counsel Ben Hur. Hur is the DOJ lawyer who investigated Biden’s classified documents problem and decided not to prosecute Biden, since to a jury it would look like he was beating up a deranged old man who doesn’t even know where he is half the time.

Both Democrats and Republicans seemed annoyed with Hur. Democrats were annoyed because Hur’s report describes Biden as a drooling moron. Republicans were upset that Hur declined to recommend prosecution, just like what happened with Hilary.

But among the more intense moments at the hearing, there was one electrifying series of questions where Congressman Jim Jordan prodded Hur into admitting that not only did Biden take classified documents — when he was just the vice president, with no presidential declassification powers — but Biden also disclosed official secrets to the guy who was ghostwriting Joe’s autobiography, a guy with no security clearance.

Joe then made $8 million bucks on the book deal.

Useless Special Counsel Robert Hur, under fire

In other words, by the undisputed facts, Biden illegally disclosed classified U.S. intelligence to enrich himself. Biden sold secrets. Trump has never been credibly accused of improperly disclosing classified information. So Biden’s situation is, as democrats are constantly bleating, totally different from Trump’s.

The truth is Biden’s classified documents problems are much, much worse than Trump’s.

Even worse, after Hur began investigating Biden’s misuse and illegal retention of the classified documents, Biden’s panicked ghostwriter desperately and unsuccessfully tried to delete the recordings of Biden reading from classified files. If the ghostwriter had been a Republican, he’d be locked up right now. He would have been promptly prosecuted and convicted of obstruction of justice and intentional destruction of evidence. He’d have earned a long stint in federal prison.

But no charges were filed against Biden’s ghostwriter, even though Hur’s report clearly described the facts. Biden’s ghostwriter clearly rides in the Justice System’s first class section.

Unsurprisingly, liberal media ignored these issues and claimed victory from Hur’s testimony. The Washington Post ran a story focusing only on areas where Hur disagreed with Republicans’ questions, headlined, “Hur’s testimony undermines some key GOP claims on Biden.”

“Some” key GOP claims. Some.

But thanks to platforms like X, the information is leaking out. We are getting there, drip by drip by drip.