Great song and video! Although it’s an American theme, it also applies to Canada!

Brian A

How did a completely unknown artist with no record label suddenly have the most popular song in the country?
I’ll play the song for you in just a second and you’ll quickly understand. Not only are Oilver’s soulful vocals and the music itself captivating, the lyrics give voice to the angst, frustration and anger of America’s working class. The song is both a lamentation & and accusation, pointing a rageful finger at our ruling elite – holding them accountable for the accelerating decline in living standards for the majority of Americans. The lyrics are extremely poetic. And brutal.

A poingnant analysis from Wealthion.

This song is a huge wake up and clarion call . Oliver is spilling his soul with this song and his commentary here as well

Included is a commentary from the author of The 4th Turning Neil Howe