Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has released a bombshell FBI document dated July 30,2020, in which a respected confidential human source (CHS) alleged that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden received $10 million in bribes. The document, a FD-1023 form, also alleges that the boss of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm which employed Hunter Biden to the tune of $80,000 per month, thought Hunter was a moron.

In May, House Republicans laid out evidence of a vast network of Biden family dealings which reek of corruption – including;

  • The Biden family received, and tried to hide, over $10 million in payments from foreign nationals
    A previously undisclosed $1 million in Romanian-linked payments
    Ties to Romanian ‘influence peddling’
    A ‘web’ of 20 LLCs created while Joe Biden was Vice President with a ‘complicated corporate structure’
    ‘At least 15’ of the LLCs were formed after Biden became VP in 2009 – several of which were owned or co-owned by Hunter
    These LLCs accepted payments ranging from $5,000 to $3 million
    The committee wants to know what legitimate business the Biden family was in


The level of corruption is overwhelming including a two-tiered justice system run by Democrats for the benefit of Democrats — and enforced by the FBI, CIA and DOJ — they all belong in jail!!

Also note that this document is dated BEFORE the 2020 Election — this information was withheld from voters — the DNC ran a corrupted candidate!

This isn’t just a reflection on the Bidens, the DNC must be considered equally to blame (even if their participation was simply to look the other way while the crimes were being committed). While it screams for investigation, WHO is left to investigate when the FBI and other three letter agencies ignored it?