Not even an EV.

As the densification of neighbourhoods marches along, the available on-street parking spots are at a premium. The zoning allows for two housing units in the main house and a laneway unit. There is usually only one space for parking via the alley. The rest park on the street. I cycled many leafy neighbourhoods this week in Vancouver. Almost all the street parking was taken. During the day no less.
At present, the two housing units per lot that don’t have off-street parking, don’t have the ability to charge their EVs at home. Thus, I didn’t count that many on the street.

I believe people are coming around to the realization that they don’t want you to have a private car. EV or ICE.

In our building, half of the underground spaces are empty. Roughly 25% of the spaces come with EV chargers. Only two of the ten EV spaces are being utilized. Both with California plates (Hollywood North I guess).

Over the years, I would ask residents if they have a car. Half in the building either can’t afford a car, use transit or use Car Share instead. An EV is out of the price range for most of these people.

I can’t see the City installing street chargers in front of residential housing. Firstly it would overwhelm the power capacity in these areas. Second, the logistics of who can use them comes into play. Would they be dedicated spots???

I’m all for public transit or electrified bikes and scooters. It’s becoming easier due to dedicated lanes, etc but we will hit an impasse when the Government bans the sale of new ICE. People are starting to catch on.

Personal auto ownership is still the most convenient way to travel outside the city where public transport does not cover