It’s supposed to be LGBTQ2+ *&()P month

Where are all the Rainbows

Watching baseball…No Rainbows
Not even the Commercals
Was in the bank Today…usually blaring Rainbows at Pride Month with big screen tvs behind the counter
Blank today

Any one else noticing this ? Or is it just confirmation bias on my part

Disclaimer.. It should go without saying ..I am all for Gays and Lesbians living their lives without ridicule as we all should. Happiness is a personal thing . Whatever floats your boat. What I am dead against is the indoctrination ( grooming) of our kids and the “normalizaion” of pedophilia ( now Minor Attracted Persons) which seems to be the cornerstone of the Radical wing of the LGBTQ “Community” ( emphasis on the T and Q )

I would venture to say the “Mainstream” Homosexuals do NOT support these Drag Shows for kids or teaching kids that they can be any gender they choose on any given day and teaching them about transgender idiology etc.