‘Inhaled’ version of COVID vaccine set to enter second phase of human trials in Canada
The adenoviral-vectored vaccines are made with the abortion-tainted HEK293 fetal cell lines.
A new experimental “adenoviral-vectored” trial COVID vaccine that can be inhaled rather than injected and was in part developed with abortion-tainted cell lines will soon enter phase two of human trials in Canada.
The inhaled trial version of the COVID “trivalent adenoviral-vectored” vaccine is made in Canada and developed at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. The new vaccine was created with funding from the Canadian federal government.
As noted in a press release on Friday, Karen Mossman, McMaster’s vice president of research, said the new aerosol version of the COVID shot was developed due to a “pressing need to develop new, more effective next-generation vaccine strategies.”
Perhaps if we start building gallows in every city and town, they might take us more seriously!
So make it airborne, right!? Whatever can go wrong.
Which method of poisoning do your prefer? Injection or inhalation?
Note – The inhalation method is more effective.