We are probably at a critical inflection point in the world  in as far as both geopolitics and economics are concerned. The proxy war in Ukraine and the threat to the US dollar as the global reserve currency are at the heart of the matter. Things are far enough along that the status quo is no longer a viable option. Either the war continues to escalate and the BRIC’s fully introduce their commodity backed currency system tied to oil and gold, or cooler heads prevail and some sort of negotiated compromise is worked out. If we get the former, the Western economies dependent on the current dollar hegemony and the continued price suppression of gold and silver prices, will spin out of control with a likely collapse of the LBMA and COMEX,  soaring gold and silver prices and  a severe global recession. The alternative would be for the US and Europe to negotiate a compromise to end the war, in exchange for a much more modest immediate challenge to the reserve status of the dollar, with the BRIC system being slow walked and introduced in baby steps, to minimize the disruption to the global trading system. It will still represent a future challenge to the dollar, just not an immediate, all or nothing choice that ushers in extreme moves in currencies, commodities and economic activity across the globe. It will be interesting to see who blinks first and who thinks it is better to go for an all out win now, or compromise and move in a more gradual, methodical pace.