Woke culture is meant to divide us
Woke Left leaning politicians are bending over backwards to top the last crazy law. It’s all meant to infuriate those who see through this insanity. California used to set the standards decades ago. They’re still doing so but from a destructive point of view.
Nothing makes sense anymore. Why? It’s not supposed to.
Cheap energy advances the well-being of the population. Shortages and huge increases in costs stifles innovation and affects those at the lower end of the economy. I’m all for conservation of resources, decreasing pollution and recycling materials. These measures can not be advanced overnight without a major disruption.
From what I have read, The EU member states may get through the coming Winter through rationing and closing down industries that are heavy users of energy. It remains to be seen if this will be the case. Massive layoffs accompanied by prohibitive energy costs is pushing The EU into a Universal Basic Income support program and everything that comes with it. This was entirely avoidable. Planned. Insanity.
People are lost. Work is an abstract thought. They hate each other. The Leftists are using Woke culture to destroy us.
It is an exciting time to be alive. History in the making. They have lost the Centre but the Centre needs to direct their anger at the root cause. They are mainly silent. In shock.
Hope I live to see the other side…….intact.
The other side of WW3 likely 2028. So plan on 5 years of this ahead of us. The real games kicks off in 2025. That one will be a humdinger for the grandkids, if any survive.