Special “Gift” Buying Opportunity
Something I follow and love the chart, has just given us a special “gift” buying opportunity that came out of left field. My second favorite gold miner after NEM is Goldfields(GFI) . As a result of today’s announced takeover of Yamana, GFI is going to have a sharply down opening because of the typical merger arbitrage. One would be wise to take advantage of this gift. It won’t last for long and investors can get this now, 4th largest global gold miner, at a bargain price with a yield of around 2.5%. Buy today before the bargain price goes away.
Just bought July 11 calls.
CM, I will definitely consider a buy, but not until the the MACD improves. There will be ample opportunity, IMHO. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I have no problem with following usual T/A trading rules and you are correct no need to rush in. However, given this special reason for why the stock is getting smashed (takeover arbitrage) I see a quick spike up as soon as tomorrow. The eventual pullback is unlikely to return to today’s low.