For those living in Canada-a question
We have been in this together for 2 years now. We have been striving to spread the word, support each other, and report bits of encouragement when they happened. When things turned gravely serious, we fought the good fight. We supported the Freedom Convoy. We showed up in Ottawa. We attended protests nationwide. We put out opportunities to sign petitions, contact MP’s, contact senators.
We have tried our best. I would like nothing better than to say we are winning, but I think it’s in the back of our minds that there’s a chance we don’t. That said, I am trying to remain hopeful. We all are.
But I would like to pose a question to those of us living in Canada: If the unthinkable happens, what is your contingency plan? Will you stay put and give in to Hitler Castreau’s demands? Will you try to escape, and if so, how? Do you have other ideas? I really want to know.
For those who do not live in Canada, thank you for your thoughts and support. Please do not make comments such as “you Canuks are screwed” or “you should have fought harder”. We have done our best, we are grieving our once free country and are in shock. Also, please don’t suggest “come and live in _____, we are free” unless there is a valid way for us to actually be able to do that. I’m sure there are a number of us who would gladly hop a plane to Florida right now, but a) we cannot board a plane and b) we cannot get across the border.
Again, thank you to all and especially to FGC who has facilitated the goings-on of this forum in so many ways. I don’t know what I would have done without all of you.
Thanks for the Question GMG
I am probably still more hopeful than you . I expect the present Government to be defeated one way or another sooner or later .
We did have a chance to leave and most people still can leave ….The Fully vaxxed of course
For us pure bloods we can’t at the moment but with the way restrictions are falling like dominoes I expect that will change soon.
I would then consider Florida if things have not changed materially here . Not sure about getting “landed” status ( I wouldn’t work there…so no green card needed)
Will be checking into it though .
Worst case scenario …We would make the best of it all.
Live in a rural setting and make connections …the Parallel Polis Plan
It’s tough at the moment but this too shall pass . We will come out better…it’s the great Awakening and we have so many great people on our side of the leger
I feel about the descent of our country much the same as you do, GMG. The Truckers have swelled my pride and made me feel patriotic for the first time in decades. They are the personification of what our country once represented. Our silly PM has angered me to the point of nausea, even though I had him pegged from the first moment I heard him speak. He has the brains of his mother and the morals of his father, an unfortunate combination. I believe him to be mentally ill.
Our political parties are little more than crime organizations, competing on one level while working in harmony to fleece the good people of this country. They conspire daily to rob us of the fruits of our labour and the freedoms that we rightly own. All the institutions built over centuries to protect and advance our cause have been turned against us. We can no longer even trust our doctors. How sad! How pathetic! I can only imagine that this is how nations die.
I believe when the next economic calamity hits our country we will not have the wherewithal to survive. Our divisions are too great, our unity enfeebled. We will split into the component parts of this once fine nation. We have allowed our politicians to ruin us, and we have taken a lot of ruining. The sands of time have just about run out. To my mind that will be no great tragedy. The larger the nation the more likely they will waste it’s people resources on the evil plans of evil people.
There are no bad choices for people like us. With the suspension of the “mandates” – I have come to hate that misused word – we can escape to some lower cost, happy, and warmer, retirement. Or, we can stay with our friends and families to fight the good fight, in the hope that our smaller new nation is more amenable to the values we hold dear than the larger one that will lie in shambles at our feet. After all, we have only one life, and we should live it as happily as we can; in the manner of our choosing, and to the best of our ability. Good luck to us all!
I can get you out of the country. My amigos are leaving soon , cost a few grand but got the pass and on their way to the surf.
What if a group of like minded (non vaxed) got together and chartered a private plane or if not workable a private ship and go to Mexico. From there you could easily enter the US illegally like everyone else seems to be able to do as this administartion doesn’t stop illegals from coming over the southern border.(only partially kidding)
here the first stop CM !
When I lived in Vermont, I was told I could vote in the almost any election. Not the town election for some reason. Strange! Never did. WTF is going on in the US.
It may come down to chartering a private jet.
Thank you to all for your replies and, as holder of a BA in English, I especially loved the way Strider crafted it so eloquently
Here’s my plan: it will boil down to one of 2 scenarios: in no particular order, if the country does indeed split apart sooner than later, I’d consider hopping provinces. I know most people of retirement age would prefer the Mexico option, but I’ve never been a hot weather and sun person. I’m at my happiest when cross-country skiing or hiking up snow covered hills.
A few months ago, when Castreau was elected again, I started looking into the second passport option. Long story short, through a set of unlikely circumstances, it appears I have a good chance of obtaining a UK passport. So am in the process (although hampered greatly by a certain province in which I and my mother had the misfortune to be born) and have paid big bucks to a London agency to help me through the process.
If successful, and if push comes to shove and this is my only option, I am hoping I can be put in touch with A Great Briton and any others on this forum who happen to live there. I’ll have LOTS of questions.
It will have to be the private jet option. First of all, as purebloods Columbia and I are banned from flying commercial, secondly, I would NEVER put my darling doggy in the hold of an aircraft. Would hope to find other interested parties to split the cost.
Given some of the recent posts here, I would not give up hope on Canada holding together just yet. At the same time, making preps while you can is surely the prudent thing to do. I once obtained a Canadian passport thinking I could escape to Canada when things went south in the U.S., or I could travel (get out of the country) on a Canadian passport if U.S. passport travel got suspended. NEVER for one instant did I think things would unfold in Canada before the U.S. But here we are. I suspect we will be joined at the hip soon enough as the progressive democrats fascists make their final stand against freedom.
You would all be most lucky if Canada split into several smaller nation states. SMALL is good – in fact, it is great. I have long hoped for successful secession movements in the U.S. The planned seeds of mistrust and animosity have born bitter fruit here and I doubt this nation will hold as things must eventually turn violent. I have little doubt that the U.S. police would be any less brutal than what we witnessed in Ottawa, and here guns would come out and then the powers that be would indeed reap the whirlwind.
Private jets provide a great deal of freedom of movement, assuming the ninnies in Ottawa don’t shut them down. They are incredibly diabolical, nothing escapes their evil grasp.
In the end, hopefully enough Canadians will stand firm and the current government will be swept aside. Should such good fortune occur, do not let the lessons of the last couple of years be forgotten. The last two years were possible because of decades of creeping loss of freedoms, and consolidation of power in Ottawa. I originally left Canada for southern climes in the mid-1980s because I feared the country was going completely socialist. Do what you will, but not much will improve until you shed the skin of that evil. It is no different in the U.S., just done on a grander scale and significantly greater magnitude.
I agree with Green Mountain Girl’s assessment of Strider’s post. It is most excellent.
Many here are well versed in doomsday scenarios. Getting out is a great option if you can cope well with the relocation and its many challenges and nuances. Staying put is also an option, but keep in mind the need to prepare for extended disruptions. The world economy is teetering on its last legs, and no nation will go unscathed. We’ve learned to stock up on some vital food items – very likely food supplies will experience disruptions. We are just beginning to see evidence of that in the U.S. We got shocked early in the “pandemic panic” when meat suddenly disappeared and what was available was rather costly. Having a small freezer makes sense, as does having a two to three month supply of emergency food supplies (from places like )
The Tent has been a Godsend for me as for many others here. It provided access to information and resources not found elsewhere. My saved links are rather extensive, and I’ll always remember this place as a bastion for freedom. Something I never thought I would see in Canada, but here it is. I am grateful to Fully and Audept and others who kept the home fires burning, all the great posts and many comments, and for the steadfastness in the face of imminent reversion to fascism. To see the many thousands – perhaps millions – of Canucks rising and standing for freedom and liberty is a memory I will treasure to my grave. I would have known little of it without the Tent and the people here.
One last thing before I end this epistle. Get your $$ out of banks and into your personal hands as much as you can; convert to things of value, including silver and gold that you can access should you bail and head for friendlier climes. When the house of cards comes tumbling down in the not too distant future, aim to be in a position to survive with minimal discomfort if you are able. Canada has junk silver (silver coins) from many decades ago. We can buy U.S. junk silver, so I assume you can in Canada as well. A few hundred dollars worth will go a long ways in keeping you fed and clothed.
Good luck to all. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy. And rest assured that time eventually fixes all the problems facing us this day.
Love the summary sir Silver. This is only the beginning.
Be prepared and find your community. No need to be crossing borders. North America is and will do better than the rest.
I agree with your assessment. MOST important is community, which I failed to mention. Thank you.
“we can escape to some lower cost, happy, and warmer, retirement.”
“Getting out is a great option if you can cope well with the relocation and its many challenges and nuances.”
To the extent anyone wants to contemplate a concrete option, I would suggest researching Ajijic.
Large expat population, half from Canada. Great climate, albeit pretty warm in April and May. Coastal Baja Norte is also loaded with expats with a San Diego climate sans marine layer La Jolla gets. If you need it green with mountains, check out Xalapa (Mexico’s coffee country). I’ve lived in all three. Paradise? No. Livable, yes.
Truly inspiring posts on this thread. I followed the Ottawa live streams for 2 weeks now and have nothing but the utmost respect and love for everyone there – regardless of outcome. GMG, Canada will not fall (to Trudeau’s dictatorship) IMO but darker days are ahead globally as designed by the NWO/WEF agenda. They still have not brought markets to their knees to execute their coup de grace (reset) objective and at some point blood may be spilled, actually I believe it WILL. From the States here, suggest rural Idaho or Texas. SB, I’ve been collecting Can 80% for 6 months now, not sure why it hasn’t taken greater hold with the world stacking community especially because it’s so easy to calculate actual ozt silver content per unit, unlike expensive US 90% constitutional. Here it can easily be found at LCS’s for only 15x FV or at least until the latest bump in spot.