Yesterday I presented two possible bullish scenarios for what happens next for Gold. So far, so good. We have an inverse H&S formation that will either finish the 7 day buildout of the right shoulder, or breakout and run after tomorrow’s FED announcement. To participate, the way to play if you don’t already have long gold positions is to take an initial position before the FED announcement. If they don’t get more doveish, triggering the BO, then the ensuing pullback should continue the buildout of the right shoulder presenting slightly lower prices to add to your position. However, if they do push taper into next year, at the earliest, it is quite likely gold will respond by breaking up to and thru 1840. I suggest you want at least a modest position in case that takes place, while still holding off on a larger position in the event the right shoulder buildout takes the better part of this week and next.