Stealth Yield Curve Control
Some interest rate experts have predicted that the FED will eventually implement yield curve control. I wonder if they haven’t already begun to do so, clandestinely? The fact that interest rates have had a considerable move down from their recent highs has been “explained” by some, as verifying the FED’s nonsensical narrative, that inflationary pressures are only transitory. I suggest the decline is because the FED has basically begun their yield curve control operations in the treasury markets, without actually announcing it. It shouldn’t be long before the treasury experts confirm that is what is happening. If true, it is bullish for gold and silver and explains why they are breaking out.
Good Point CM
Some manipulation action today ?
Dollar down pretty hard vs all major currencies
Gold and Silver spiked and then were SPIKED
Definitely. When I saw the metals selloff I checked the dollar and saw No bounce. Manipulation. The good news it is noise. Gold and silver are not only on the rise they are UNSTOPPABLE!
copper done the b/t and happy
Recently I read an article where the writer took on this issue. He noted many people suggesting the FED is doing YCC surreptitiously already. His point was this is not likely, which I tend to agree with. The FED is so enamored with itself thinking they have been so successful administering all of the QE programs and with FED messaging programs that they regard themselves as bullet proof. When they undertake a program such as this they do it with full fanfare, after all the reality of their operations is that its all bluff so doing things undercover is counterproductive. Not only that but why would they jeopardize their reputation by doing something clandestine.
No I think they are holding this one off until they really need it, which likely would be when they have to fund the government and interest rates are beginning to skyrocket.
Understand what you are saying that they want to shout about what they are doing, usually. My point was the market was pushing back against their nonsensical transitory inflation and rates rallied to go against their narrative. They didn’t want to fire their last bullet(YCC)this soon in the cycle but they couldn’t let rates break out and tank the stock market. They had to do something so YCC without announcing. Trying to have their cake and eat it too.
They have definitely painted themselves into a corner now… From this point forward it’s kind of fun to watch if one sits on a physical hoard of gold and silver
100% perception management.
How do we complete the transition out of the dollar without crashing markets outside of our scheduled timeline.
Right this is exactly what they are planning to do. Transfer out of the USD meanwhile zeroing out the debt and into some world reserve currency. Sounds like alchemy to me